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Hell Hath No Fury by Geoff Major

Hell Hath No Fury by Geoff Major

They changed her life forever. Did they really think they could get away with it?

Evie Perry was a high-class escort whose way of life was abruptly and cruelly shattered by two drunken men. Stella Kendrick's husband committed suicide and left her with a legal battle and a debt of £6m, but he leaves her a message with the names of three men on it. Daniella Maddox is a world-class barrister, assigned to an indefensible case for a corrupt client, but one she must win to save her own life.

Unbeknownst to them, fate has woven their lives into a twisted web.

Detective Sergeant Alan Armitage is mystified when he attends the scene of a triple murder, but he is very quickly joined in his hunt for the killer by Detective Sergeant Steve Denton from The Met, and Detective Sergeant Bob Williams from North Yorkshire CID.

Along with Detective Constable Rachael Jones, they have touncover who the murderer is and why they are killing people across the country.  

Their task is made even more difficult because a criminal known to most simply as The Broker gets closer to banking millions every time his team commits another murder.


About the author

This is Geoff Major’s second book. His first – DEADLINE – was published in 2020.

Writing is his hobby, which he fits in-between full-time work, family, and completing unusual fundraising challenges. For more information, visit geoffmajor.info.

He lives in Yorkshire, with his wife and their dog.

Follow him at:

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/primusgradus/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PrimusGradus

Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/GradusPrimus

Website: geoffmajor.info

 Goodreads - https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/68056687-hell-hath-no-fury


‘Hell Hath No Fury’ is a complicated thriller that has plenty of twists and turns to keep you on your toes! This is the second book of Geoff’s that I have read and it has a completely different feel to it. Mainly I think it comes from the book having so many different points of view and it has a big roster of characters, which allows the author to play with the narrative and really keep the reader guessing about what is happening.

Evie is a woman on a mission. As a high-class escort, her days are unusual but one-night things go terribly wrong and her life is changed forever. But those responsible aren't going to get away with it. She is literally going to make them pay! But soon people who were there that night are being killed and the police are clueless as to what is happening and more importantly why? There is no rhyme or reason to those being killed and those investigating are struggling to work the cases. Then we have those associated with Evie and the victims and they are starting to get very scared indeed!

This is a complex thriller that I devoured in a few sittings. I loved the nod to one of my favourite books ‘The ABC Murders’ and I really enjoyed that aspect of the story. I did manage to guess who was behind it all, but that doesn't matter as it was enjoyable getting to that realization and then finding out how the author was going to tease that out to the ending. This so many twists and turns and side plots became main plots, main plots became side plots and so on! But even though this is a complicated plot you never lose track of where you are and manage to keep everything and everyone in your head very easily!

I don't think I really liked any of the characters apart from the police officers. The Broker was very intriguing though, I could definitely see a series revolved around his actions and what he and his thugs get up to next! All the rest just seemed smug and a bit full of themselves, but when you are dealing with that level of wealth and money maybe that is how you are?!

Thoroughly enjoyed this one. Let me know if you read it.

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